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Si Ba Cui
(approximately 4400 euros)
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Hou Xing Xinyi Ba – Si Ba Cui The Four Hammers
To truly understand the martial art of XinYIBa, one must master the forms of the five elements, the ten hands, and the four hammers. When we examine these forms, we can perceive them as highly developed gymnastic exercises. Practitioners will engage in stretching, bending, explosive movements, relaxation techniques, jumping, balancing, and honing their focus and concentration. Through this practice, they cultivate endurance and precision in their movements.
The name “Four Hammers” signifies that martial artists will concentrate on various techniques to develop both inner energy and outer strength. These exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time throughout the day. The forms are accessible to practitioners of all genders, ages, and backgrounds, as there are no boundaries or limitations.
By delving into the practice of Hou Xing Xinyi Ba – Si Ba Cui, individuals embark on a journey of self-improvement, physical development, and the harnessing of inner power. Embrace the opportunity to train in this martial art and unlock the potential within yourself.